Transformer Functions

A collection of functions which can be referenced within the sklearn.preprocessing.FunctionTransformer transformer.


Functions to be used within sklearn’s FunctionTransformer

Each function SHALL take an X, and optionally a y.

Functions CAN take additional arguments which should be given during the initialization of the FunctionTransformer


>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
>>> import numpy as np
>>> def my_function(X, another_arg):
...     # Some fancy X manipulation...
...     return X
>>> transformer = FunctionTransformer(func=my_function, kw_args={'another_arg': 'this thing'})
>>> out = transformer.fit_transform(np.random.random(100).reshape(10, 10))
gordo.machine.model.transformer_funcs.general.multiply_by(X, factor)[source]

Multiplies X by a given factor