
Collection of descriptors to verify types and conditions of the Machine attributes when loading.

And example of which is if the machine name is set to a value which isn’t a valid URL string, thus causing early failure before k8s itself discovers that the name isn’t valid. (See: gordo.machine.validators.ValidUrlString)

class gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor[source]

Bases: object

Base descriptor class

New object should override __set__(self, instance, value) method to check if ‘value’ meets required needs.

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidDataProvider[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for DataProvider

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidDataset[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for attributes requiring type gordo.workflow.config_elements.Dataset

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidDatasetKwargs[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for attributes requiring type gordo.workflow.config_elements.Dataset

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidDatetime[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for attributes requiring valid datetime.datetime attribute

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidMachineRuntime[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for runtime dict in a machine object. Must be a valid runtime, but also must contain server.resources.limits/requests.memory/cpu to be valid.

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidMetadata[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for attributes requiring type Optional[dict]

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidModel[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for attributes requiring type Union[dict, str]

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidTagList[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for attributes requiring a non-empty list of strings

class gordo.machine.validators.ValidUrlString[source]

Bases: gordo.machine.validators.BaseDescriptor

Descriptor for use in objects which require valid URL values. Where ‘valid URL values’ is Gordo’s version: alphanumeric with dashes.


class MySpecialClass:

    url_attribute = ValidUrlString()


myspecialclass = MySpecialClass()

myspecialclass.url_attribute = 'this-is-ok'
myspecialclass.url_attribute = 'this will r@ise a ValueError'
static valid_url_string(string: str) → bool[source]

What we (Gordo) deem to be a suitable URL is the same as kubernetes lowercase alphanumeric with dashes but not ending or starting with a dash


string (str - String to check) –


Return type


gordo.machine.validators.fix_resource_limits(resources: dict) → dict[source]

Resource limitations must be higher or equal to resource requests, if they are both specified. This bumps any limits to the corresponding request if they are both set.


resources (dict) – Dictionary with possible requests/limits


>>> fix_resource_limits({"requests": {"cpu": 10}, "limits":{"cpu":9}})
{'requests': {'cpu': 10}, 'limits': {'cpu': 10}}
>>> fix_resource_limits({"requests": {"cpu": 10}})
{'requests': {'cpu': 10}}

A copy of resource_dict with the any limits bumped to the corresponding request if they are both set.

Return type



A valid runtime description must satisfy that any resource description must have that limit >= requests. This function will bump any limits that is too low.