Source code for gordo.server.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import functools
import zlib
import os
import io
import pickle
import copy

import dateutil
import timeit
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union, List, Any

import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from flask import request, g, jsonify, make_response, Response
from functools import lru_cache, wraps
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound

from gordo import serializer

Tools used between different views

Namely :func:`.extract_X_y` and :func:`.base_dataframe` decorators which, when
wrapping methods will perform the tasks to extracting X & y, and creating the 
basic dataframe output, respectively.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def dataframe_into_parquet_bytes( df: pd.DataFrame, compression: str = "snappy" ) -> bytes: """ Convert a dataframe into bytes representing a parquet table. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame DataFrame to be compressed compression: str Compression to use, passed to :func:`pyarrow.parquet.write_table` Returns ------- bytes """ table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df) buf = pa.BufferOutputStream() pq.write_table(table, buf, compression=compression) return buf.getvalue().to_pybytes()
[docs]def dataframe_from_parquet_bytes(buf: bytes) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert bytes representing a parquet table into a pandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- buf: bytes Bytes representing a parquet table. Can be the direct result from `func`::gordo.server.utils.dataframe_into_parquet_bytes Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ table = pq.read_table(io.BytesIO(buf)) return table.to_pandas()
[docs]def dataframe_to_dict(df: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: """ Convert a dataframe can have a :class:`pandas.MultiIndex` as columns into a dict where each key is the top level column name, and the value is the array of columns under the top level name. If it's a simple dataframe, :meth:`pandas.core.DataFrame.to_dict` will be used. This allows :func:`json.dumps` to be performed, where :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_dict()` would convert such a multi-level column dataframe into keys of ``tuple`` objects, which are not json serializable. However this ends up working with :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.from_dict` Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame Dataframe expected to have columns of type :class:`pandas.MultiIndex` 2 levels deep. Returns ------- List[dict] List of records representing the dataframe in a 'flattened' form. Examples -------- >>> import pprint >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples((f"feature{i}", f"sub-feature-{ii}") for i in range(2) for ii in range(2)) >>> index = pd.date_range('2019-01-01', '2019-02-01', periods=2) >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(8).reshape((2, 4)), columns=columns, index=index) >>> df # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE feature0 feature1 sub-feature-0 sub-feature-1 sub-feature-0 sub-feature-1 2019-01-01 0 1 2 3 2019-02-01 4 5 6 7 >>> serialized = dataframe_to_dict(df) >>> pprint.pprint(serialized) {'feature0': {'sub-feature-0': {'2019-01-01': 0, '2019-02-01': 4}, 'sub-feature-1': {'2019-01-01': 1, '2019-02-01': 5}}, 'feature1': {'sub-feature-0': {'2019-01-01': 2, '2019-02-01': 6}, 'sub-feature-1': {'2019-01-01': 3, '2019-02-01': 7}}} """ # Need to copy, because Python's mutability allowed .index assignment to mutate the passed df data = df.copy() if isinstance(data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): data.index = data.index.astype(str) if isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex): return { col: data[col].to_dict() if isinstance(data[col], pd.DataFrame) else pd.DataFrame(data[col]).to_dict() for col in data.columns.get_level_values(0) } else: return data.to_dict()
[docs]def dataframe_from_dict(data: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """ The inverse procedure done by :func:`.multi_lvl_column_dataframe_from_dict` Reconstructed a MultiIndex column dataframe from a previously serialized one. Expects ``data`` to be a nested dictionary where each top level key has a value capable of being loaded from :func:`pandas.core.DataFrame.from_dict` Parameters ---------- data: dict Data to be loaded into a MultiIndex column dataframe Returns ------- pandas.core.DataFrame MultiIndex column dataframe. Examples -------- >>> serialized = { ... 'feature0': {'sub-feature-0': {'2019-01-01': 0, '2019-02-01': 4}, ... 'sub-feature-1': {'2019-01-01': 1, '2019-02-01': 5}}, ... 'feature1': {'sub-feature-0': {'2019-01-01': 2, '2019-02-01': 6}, ... 'sub-feature-1': {'2019-01-01': 3, '2019-02-01': 7}} ... } >>> dataframe_from_dict(serialized) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE feature0 feature1 sub-feature-0 sub-feature-1 sub-feature-0 sub-feature-1 2019-01-01 0 1 2 3 2019-02-01 4 5 6 7 """ if isinstance(data, dict) and any(isinstance(val, dict) for val in data.values()): try: keys = data.keys() df: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat( (pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data[key]) for key in keys), axis=1, keys=keys ) except (ValueError, AttributeError): df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) else: df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) try: df.index = # type: ignore except (TypeError, ValueError): df.index = df.sort_index(inplace=True) return df
[docs]def parse_iso_datetime(datetime_str: str) -> datetime: parsed_date = dateutil.parser.isoparse(datetime_str) # type: ignore if parsed_date.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError( f"Provide timezone to timestamp {datetime_str}." f" Example: for UTC timezone use {datetime_str + 'Z'} or {datetime_str + '+00:00'} " ) return parsed_date
def _verify_dataframe( df: pd.DataFrame, expected_columns: List[str] ) -> Union[Response, pd.DataFrame]: """ Verify the dataframe, setting the column names to ``expected_columns`` if not already labeled and the length of the columns match the length of the expected columns. If it fails, it will return an instance of :class:`flask.wrappers.Response` Parameters ---------- df: pandas.core.DataFrame DataFrame to verify. expected_columns: List[str] List of expected column names to give if the dataframe does not consist of them but the number of columns matches ``len(expected_columns)`` Returns ------- Union[flask.wrappers.Response, pandas.core.DataFrame] """ if not isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex): if not all(col in df.columns for col in expected_columns): # If the length doesn't mach, then we can't reliably determine what data we have hre. if len(df.columns) != len(expected_columns): msg = dict( message=f"Unexpected features: " f"was expecting {expected_columns} length of {len(expected_columns)}, " f"but got {df.columns} length of {len(df.columns)}" ) return make_response((jsonify(msg), 400)) # Otherwise we were send a list/ndarray data format which we assume the client has # ordered correctly to the order of the expected_columns. else: df.columns = expected_columns # All columns exist in the dataframe, select them which thus ensures order and removes extra columns else: df = df[expected_columns] return df else: msg = { "message": f"Server does not support multi-level dataframes at this time: {df.columns.tolist()}" } return make_response((jsonify(msg), 400))
[docs]def extract_X_y(method): """ For a given flask view, will attempt to extract an 'X' and 'y' from the request and assign it to flask's 'g' global request context If it fails to extract 'X' and (optionally) 'y' from the request, it will **not** run the function but return a ``BadRequest`` response notifying the client of the failure. Parameters ---------- method: Callable The flask route to decorate, and will return it's own response object and will want to use ``flask.g.X`` and/or ``flask.g.y`` Returns ------- flask.Response Will either run a :class:`flask.Response` with status code 400 if it fails to extract the X and optionally the y. Otherwise will run the decorated ``method`` which is also expected to return some sort of :class:`flask.Response` object. """ @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper_method(self, *args, **kwargs): start_time = timeit.default_timer() # Data provided by the client if request.method == "POST": # Always require an X, be it in JSON or file/parquet format. if ("X" not in (request.json or {})) and ("X" not in request.files): message = dict(message='Cannot predict without "X"') return make_response((jsonify(message), 400)) if request.json is not None: X = dataframe_from_dict(request.json["X"]) y = request.json.get("y") if y is not None: y = dataframe_from_dict(y) else: X = dataframe_from_parquet_bytes(request.files["X"].read()) y = request.files.get("y") if y is not None: y = dataframe_from_parquet_bytes( X = _verify_dataframe(X, [ for t in self.tags]) # Verify y if it's not None if y is not None: y = _verify_dataframe(y, [ for t in self.target_tags]) # If either X or y came back as a Response type, there was an error for data_or_resp in [X, y]: if isinstance(data_or_resp, Response): return data_or_resp else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot extract X and y from '{request.method}' request." ) # Assign X and y to the request's global context g.X, g.y = X, y try: logger.debug(f"Size of X: {X.size}, size of y: {y.size}") except AttributeError: logger.debug(f"Size of X: {X.size}, y is None") logger.debug(f"Time to parse X and y: {timeit.default_timer() - start_time}s") # And run the original method. return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper_method
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=int(os.getenv("N_CACHED_MODELS", 2))) def load_model(directory: str, name: str) -> BaseEstimator: """ Load a given model from the directory by name. Parameters ---------- directory: str Directory to look for the model name: str Name of the model to load, this would be the sub directory within the directory parameter. Returns ------- BaseEstimator """ start_time = timeit.default_timer() model = serializer.load(os.path.join(directory, name)) logger.debug(f"Time to load model: {timeit.default_timer() - start_time}s") return model
[docs]def load_metadata(directory: str, name: str) -> dict: """ Load metadata from a directory for a given model by name. Parameters ---------- directory: str Directory to look for the model's metadata name: str Name of the model to load metadata for, this would be the sub directory within the directory parameter. Returns ------- dict """ compressed_metadata = _load_compressed_metadata(directory, name) return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(compressed_metadata))
@lru_cache(maxsize=25000) def _load_compressed_metadata(directory: str, name: str): """ Loads the metadata for model 'name' from directory 'directory', and returns it as a zlib compressed pickle, to use as little space as possible in the cache. Notes ---- Some simple measurement indicated that a typical metadata dict uses 37kb in memory, while pickled it uses 8kb, and pickled-compressed it uses 4kb. """ metadata = serializer.load_metadata(os.path.join(directory, name)) return zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(metadata))
[docs]def metadata_required(f): """ Decorate a view which has ``gordo_name`` as a url parameter and will set ``g.metadata`` to that model's metadata """ @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args: tuple, gordo_project: str, gordo_name: str, **kwargs: dict): try: g.metadata = load_metadata(directory=g.collection_dir, name=gordo_name) except FileNotFoundError: raise NotFound(f"No model found for '{gordo_name}'") else: return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def model_required(f): """ Decorate a view which has ``gordo_name`` as a url parameter and will set ``g.model`` to be the loaded model and ``g.metadata`` to that model's metadata """ @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args: tuple, gordo_project: str, gordo_name: str, **kwargs: dict): try: g.model = load_model(directory=g.collection_dir, name=gordo_name) except FileNotFoundError: raise NotFound(f"No such model found: '{gordo_name}'") else: # If the model was required, the metadata is also required. return metadata_required(f)( *args, gordo_project=gordo_project, gordo_name=gordo_name, **kwargs ) return wrapper
[docs]def find_path_in_dict(path: List[str], data: dict) -> Any: """ Find a path in `dict` recursively Examples -------- >>> find_path_in_dict(["parent", "child"], {"parent": {"child": 42}}) 42 Parameters ---------- path: List[str] data: dict Returns ------- """ reversed_path = copy.copy(path) reversed_path.reverse() curr_data = data while len(reversed_path): key = reversed_path.pop() if key not in curr_data: exception_path = ".".join(path[: len(path) - len(reversed_path)]) raise KeyError("'%s' is absent" % exception_path) curr_data = curr_data[key] return curr_data