Source code for gordo.server.server

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains code for generating the Gordo server Flask application.

Running this module will run the application using Flask's development webserver.
Gunicorn can be used to run the application as `gevent` async workers by using the
:func:`~gordo.server.server.run_server` function.
import os
import json
import logging
import timeit
import typing
import subprocess
from functools import wraps

import yaml
from flask import Flask, g, request, current_app, make_response, jsonify

from typing import Optional, Any, Dict

from gordo.server import views
from gordo.dependencies import configure_once
from gordo import __version__

from prometheus_client import CollectorRegistry
from .prometheus import GordoServerPrometheusMetrics

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def enable_prometheus(): return os.getenv("ENABLE_PROMETHEUS", "false") != "false"
[docs]class Config: """Server config""" def __init__(self): self.MODEL_COLLECTION_DIR_ENV_VAR = "MODEL_COLLECTION_DIR" self.EXPECTED_MODELS = yaml.safe_load(os.getenv("EXPECTED_MODELS", "[]")) self.ENABLE_PROMETHEUS = enable_prometheus() self.PROJECT = os.getenv("PROJECT")
[docs]def adapt_proxy_deployment(wsgi_app: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable: """ Decorator specific to fixing behind-proxy-issues when on Kubernetes and using Envoy proxy. Parameters ---------- wsgi_app: typing.Callable The underlying WSGI application of a flask app, for example Notes ----- Special note about deploying behind Ambassador, or prefixed proxy paths in general: When deployed on kubernetes/ambassador there is a prefix in-front of the server. ie:: /gordo/v0/some-project-name/some-target The server itself only knows about routes to the right of such a prefix: such as ``/metadata`` or ``/predictions`` when in reality, the full path is:: /gordo/v0/some-project-name/some-target/metadata This is solved by getting the current application's assigned prefix, where ``HTTP_X_ENVOY_ORIGINAL_PATH`` is the *full* path, including the prefix. and ``PATH_INFO`` is the actual relative path the server knows about. This function wraps the WSGI app itself to map the current full path to the assigned route function. ie. ``/metadata`` -> metadata route function, by default, but updates ``/gordo/v0/some-project-name/some-target/metadata`` -> metadata route function Returns ------- Callable Example ------- >>> app = Flask(__name__) >>> app.wsgi_app = adapt_proxy_deployment(app.wsgi_app) """ @wraps(wsgi_app) def wrapper(environ, start_response): # Script name can be "/gordo/v0/some-project-name/some-target/metadata" script_name = environ.get("HTTP_X_ENVOY_ORIGINAL_PATH", "") if script_name: # PATH_INFO could be either "/" or some local route such as "/metadata" path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "") if path_info.rstrip("/"): # PATH_INFO must be something like "/metadata" or other local path # To figure out the prefix/script_name we remove it from the # full HTTP_X_ENVOY_ORIGINAL_PATH, so that something such as # /gordo/v0/some-project-name/some-target/metadata, becomes # /gordo/v0/some-project-name/some-target/ script_name = script_name.replace(path_info, "") environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] = script_name # Now we can just ensure the PATH_INFO reflects the locally known path # such as /metadata and not /gordo/v0/some-project-name/some-target/metadata if path_info.startswith(script_name): environ["PATH_INFO"] = path_info[len(script_name) :] scheme = environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", "") if scheme: environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] = scheme return wsgi_app(environ, start_response) return wrapper
[docs]def create_prometheus_metrics( project: Optional[str] = None, registry: Optional[CollectorRegistry] = None ) -> GordoServerPrometheusMetrics: arg_labels = [("gordo_name", "model")] info = {"version": __version__} if project is not None: info["project"] = project else: arg_labels.append(("gordo_project", "project")) return GordoServerPrometheusMetrics( args_labels=arg_labels, info=info, ignore_paths=["/healthcheck"], registry=registry, )
[docs]def build_app( config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, prometheus_registry: Optional[CollectorRegistry] = None, ): """ Build app and any associated routes """ configure_once() app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(Config()) if config is not None: app.config.update(**config) app.register_blueprint(views.base_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(views.anomaly_blueprint) app.wsgi_app = adapt_proxy_deployment(app.wsgi_app) # type: ignore app.url_map.strict_slashes = False # /path and /path/ are ok. if app.config["ENABLE_PROMETHEUS"]: prometheus_metrics = create_prometheus_metrics( project=app.config.get("PROJECT"), registry=prometheus_registry ) prometheus_metrics.prepare_app(app) elif prometheus_registry is not None: logger.warning("Ignoring non empty prometheus_registry argument") @app.before_request def _start_timer(): g.start_time = timeit.default_timer() @app.before_request def _set_revision_and_collection_dir(): g.collection_dir = os.environ[ current_app.config["MODEL_COLLECTION_DIR_ENV_VAR"] ] g.current_revision = os.path.basename(g.collection_dir) # If a specific revision was requested, update collection_dir g.revision = request.args.get("revision") or request.headers.get("revision") if g.revision: g.collection_dir = os.path.join(g.collection_dir, "..", g.revision) try: os.listdir(g.collection_dir) # List dir to ensure it exists except FileNotFoundError: return make_response( jsonify({"error": f"Revision '{g.revision}' not found."}), 410 ) else: g.revision = g.current_revision @app.after_request def _revision_used(response): if response.is_json: data = response.get_json() data["revision"] = g.revision response.set_data(json.dumps(data).encode()) response.headers["revision"] = g.revision return response @app.after_request def _log_time_taken(response): runtime_s = timeit.default_timer() - g.start_time logger.debug(f"Total runtime for request: {runtime_s}s") response.headers["Server-Timing"] = f"request_walltime_s;dur={runtime_s}" return response @app.route("/healthcheck") def base_healthcheck(): return "", 200 @app.route("/server-version") def server_version(): return jsonify({"version": __version__}) return app
[docs]def run_cmd(cmd): """ Run a shell command and handle CalledProcessError and OSError types Note ---- This function is abstracted from :func:`~gordo.server.server.run_server` in order to test the calling of commands that would allow the subprocess call to break, depending on how it is parameterized. For example, calling this without sending `stderr` to stdout will cause a segmentation fault when calling an executable that does not exist. """ subprocess.check_call(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
[docs]def run_server( host: str, port: int, workers: int, log_level: str, config_module: Optional[str] = None, worker_connections: Optional[int] = None, threads: Optional[int] = None, worker_class: str = "gthread", server_app: str = "gordo.server.server:build_app()", ): """ Run application with Gunicorn server using Gevent Async workers Parameters ---------- host: str The host to run the server on. port: int The port to run the server on. workers: int The number of worker processes for handling requests. log_level: str The log level for the `gunicorn` webserver. Valid log level names can be found in the [gunicorn documentation]( config_module: str The config module. Will be passed with `python:` [prefix]( worker_connections: int The maximum number of simultaneous clients per worker process. threads: str The number of worker threads for handling requests. worker_class: str The type of workers to use. server_app: str The application to run """ cmd = [ "gunicorn", "--bind", f"{host}:{port}", "--log-level", log_level, "--error-logfile", "-", "--access-logfile", "-", "--worker-class", worker_class, "--worker-tmp-dir", "/dev/shm", "--workers", str(workers), ] if config_module is not None: cmd.extend(("--config", "python:" + config_module)) if worker_class == "gthread": if threads is not None: cmd.extend(("--threads", str(threads))) else: if worker_connections is not None: cmd.extend(("--worker-connections", str(worker_connections))) cmd.append(server_app) run_cmd(cmd)
if __name__ == "__main__": app = build_app() # Run development webserver"", 5555, debug=True, threaded=False)