Source code for gordo.serializer.from_definition

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import pydoc
import copy
import typing  # noqa
from typing import Union, Dict, Any, Iterable
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def import_locate(import_path: str) -> Any: return pydoc.locate(import_path)
[docs]def from_definition( pipe_definition: Union[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] ) -> Union[FeatureUnion, Pipeline]: """ Construct a Pipeline or FeatureUnion from a definition. Example ------- >>> import yaml >>> from gordo import serializer >>> raw_config = ''' ... sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline: ... steps: ... - sklearn.decomposition.PCA: ... n_components: 3 ... - sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion: ... - sklearn.decomposition.PCA: ... n_components: 3 ... - sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline: ... - sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler ... - sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD: ... n_components: 2 ... - sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier: ... max_depth: 3 ... ''' >>> config = yaml.safe_load(raw_config) >>> scikit_learn_pipeline = serializer.from_definition(config) Parameters --------- pipe_definition List of steps for the Pipeline / FeatureUnion constructor_class What to place the list of transformers into, either sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline/FeatureUnion Returns ------- sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline pipeline """ # Avoid some mutation definition = copy.deepcopy(pipe_definition) return _build_step(definition)
def _build_branch( definition: Iterable[Union[str, Dict[Any, Any]]], constructor_class=Union[Pipeline, None], ): """ Builds a branch of the tree and optionally constructs the class with the given leafs of the branch, if constructor_class is not none. Otherwise just the built leafs are returned. """ steps = [_build_step(step) for step in definition] return steps if constructor_class is None else constructor_class(steps) def _build_scikit_branch( definition: Iterable[Union[str, Dict[Any, Any]]], constructor_class=Union[Pipeline, None], ): """ Exactly like :func:`~_build_branch` except it's expected this is going to be a list of tuples, where the 0th element is the name of the step. """ steps = [(f"step_{i}", _build_step(step)) for i, step in enumerate(definition)] return steps if constructor_class is None else constructor_class(steps) def _build_step( step: Union[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] ) -> Union[FeatureUnion, Pipeline, BaseEstimator]: """ Build an isolated step within a transformer list, given a dict config Parameters ---------- step: dict/str - A dict, with a single key and associated dict where the associated dict are parameters for the given step. Example: {'sklearn.preprocessing.PCA': {'n_components': 4} } Gives: PCA(n_components=4) Alternatively, 'step' can be a single string, in which case the step will be initiated w/ default params. Example: 'sklearn.preprocessing.PCA' Gives: PCA() Returns ------- Scikit-Learn Transformer or BaseEstimator """ logger.debug(f"Building step: {step}") # Here, 'step' _should_ be a dict with a single key # and an associated dict containing parameters for the desired # sklearn step. ie. {'sklearn.preprocessing.PCA': {'n_components': 2}} if isinstance(step, dict): if len(step.keys()) != 1: return _load_param_classes(step) import_str = list(step.keys())[0] StepClass: Union[FeatureUnion, Pipeline, BaseEstimator] = import_locate( import_str ) if StepClass is None: raise ImportError(f'Could not locate path: "{import_str}"') params = step.get(import_str, dict()) if hasattr(StepClass, "from_definition"): return getattr(StepClass, "from_definition")(params) # Load any possible classes in the params if this is a dict of maybe kwargs if isinstance(params, dict): params = _load_param_classes(params) # update any param values which are string locations to functions if isinstance(params, dict): for param, value in params.items(): if isinstance(value, str): possible_func = import_locate(value) if callable(possible_func): params[param] = possible_func # FeatureUnion or another Pipeline transformer if any(StepClass == obj for obj in [FeatureUnion, Pipeline, Sequential]): # Need to ensure the parameters to be supplied are valid FeatureUnion # & Pipeline both take a list of transformers, but with different # kwarg, here we pull out the list to keep _build_scikit_branch generic if "transformer_list" in params: params["transformer_list"] = _build_scikit_branch( params["transformer_list"], None ) elif "steps" in params: params["steps"] = _build_scikit_branch(params["steps"], None) # If params is an iterable, is has to be the first argument # to the StepClass (FeatureUnion / Pipeline); a list of transformers elif any(isinstance(params, obj) for obj in (tuple, list)): steps = _build_scikit_branch(params, None) return StepClass(steps) elif isinstance(params, dict) and "layers" in params: params["layers"] = _build_branch(params["layers"], None) else: raise ValueError( f"Got {StepClass} but the supplied parameters" f"seem invalid: {params}" ) return StepClass(**params) # If step is just a string, can initialize it without any params # ie. "sklearn.preprocessing.PCA" elif isinstance(step, str): Step = import_locate(step) # type: Union[FeatureUnion, Pipeline, BaseEstimator] if hasattr(Step, "from_definition"): return getattr(Step, "from_definition")({}) else: return Step() if Step is not None else step else: raise ValueError( f"Expected step to be either a string or a dict," f"found: {type(step)}" ) def _build_callbacks(definitions: list): """ Parameters ---------- definitions: List List of callbacks definitions Examples -------- >>> callbacks=_build_callbacks([{'tensorflow.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping': {'monitor': 'val_loss,', 'patience': 10}}]) >>> type(callbacks[0]) <class 'tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping'> Returns ------- dict """ callbacks = [] for callback in definitions: callbacks.append(_build_step(callback)) return callbacks def _load_param_classes(params: dict): """ Inspect the params' values and determine if any can be loaded as a class. if so, update that param's key value as the instantiation of the class. Additionally, if the value of the top level is a dict, and that dict's len(.keys()) == 1 AND that key can be loaded, it's assumed to be a class whose associated values should be passed in as kwargs. Parameters ---------- params: dict key value pairs of kwargs, which can have full class paths defined. Examples -------- >>> params = {"key1": "value1"} >>> assert _load_param_classes(params) == params # No modifications # Load an actual model, without any kwargs >>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor >>> params = {"base_estimator": "sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor"} >>> print(_load_param_classes(params)) {'base_estimator': RandomForestRegressor()} # Load an actual model, with kwargs >>> params = {"base_estimator": {"sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestRegressor": {"n_estimators": 20}}} >>> print(_load_param_classes(params)) {'base_estimator': RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=20)} Returns ------- dict Updated params which has any possible class paths loaded up as instantiated objects """ params = copy.copy(params) for key, value in params.items(): # If value is a simple string, try to load the model/class if isinstance(value, str): Model: Union[None, BaseEstimator, Pipeline] = import_locate(value) if Model is not None: if hasattr(Model, "from_definition"): params[key] = getattr(Model, "from_definition")({}) elif isinstance(Model, type) and issubclass(Model, BaseEstimator): params[key] = Model() # For the next bit to work, the dict must have a single key (maybe) the class path, # and its value must be a dict of kwargs elif ( isinstance(value, dict) and len(value.keys()) == 1 and isinstance(value[list(value.keys())[0]], dict) ): import_path = list(value.keys())[0] Model = import_locate(import_path) sub_params = value[import_path] if hasattr(Model, "from_definition"): params[key] = getattr(Model, "from_definition")(sub_params) elif Model is not None and isinstance(Model, type): if issubclass(Model, Pipeline) or issubclass(Model, Sequential): # Model is a Pipeline, so 'value' is the definition of that Pipeline # Can can just re-use the entry to building a pipeline. params[key] = from_definition(value) else: # Call this func again, incase there is nested occurances of this problem in these kwargs kwargs = _load_param_classes(sub_params) params[key] = Model(**kwargs) # type: ignore elif key == "callbacks" and isinstance(value, list): params[key] = _build_callbacks(value) return params
[docs]def load_params_from_definition(definition: dict) -> dict: """ Deserialize each value from a dictionary. Could be used for preparing kwargs for methods Parameters ---------- definition: dict """ if not isinstance(definition, dict): raise ValueError( "Expected definition to be a dict," f"found: {type(definition)}" ) return _load_param_classes(definition)