Source code for gordo.machine.model.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import abc
import logging
import io
import importlib
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Union, Callable, Dict, Any, Optional, Tuple
from abc import ABCMeta
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from importlib.util import find_spec

import h5py
import tensorflow.keras.models
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model, save_model
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences, TimeseriesGenerator
from tensorflow.keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor as BaseWrapper
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import History
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator
from sklearn.metrics import explained_variance_score
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

from gordo import serializer
from gordo.machine.model.base import GordoBase

# This is required to run `register_model_builder` against registered factories
from gordo.machine.model.factories import *  # pragma: no flakes

from gordo.machine.model.register import register_model_builder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class KerasBaseEstimator(BaseWrapper, GordoBase, BaseEstimator): supported_fit_args = [ "batch_size", "epochs", "verbose", "callbacks", "validation_split", "shuffle", "class_weight", "initial_epoch", "steps_per_epoch", "validation_batch_size", "max_queue_size", "workers", "use_multiprocessing", ] def __init__( self, kind: Union[ str, Callable[[int, Dict[str, Any]], tensorflow.keras.models.Model] ], **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Initialized a Scikit-Learn API compatitble Keras model with a pre-registered function or a builder function directly. Parameters ---------- kind: Union[callable, str] The structure of the model to build. As designated by any registered builder functions, registered with `gordo_compontents.model.register.register_model_builder`. Alternatively, one may pass a builder function directly to this argument. Such a function should accept `n_features` as it's first argument, and pass any additional parameters to `**kwargs` kwargs: dict Any additional args which are passed to the factory building function and/or any additional args to be passed to Keras' fit() method """ self.build_fn = None self.history = None self.kind = self.load_kind(kind) self.kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = kwargs
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_module_path(module_path) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]: module_paths = module_path.split(".") if len(module_paths) == 1: return None, module_paths[0] else: return ".".join(module_paths[:-1]), module_paths[-1]
[docs] def load_kind(self, kind): if callable(kind): register_model_builder(type=self.__class__.__name__)(kind) return kind.__name__ else: module_name, class_name = self.parse_module_path(kind) if module_name is None: if ( class_name not in register_model_builder.factories[self.__class__.__name__] ): raise ValueError( f"kind: {kind} is not an available model for type: {class_name}!" ) else: has_error = True try: has_error = not find_spec(module_name) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass if has_error: raise ValueError( f"kind: {kind}, unable to find module: '{module_name}'" ) return kind
[docs] @classmethod def extract_supported_fit_args(cls, kwargs): """ Filtering only ``fit`` related kwargs Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict Returns ------- """ fit_args = {} for arg in cls.supported_fit_args: if arg in kwargs: fit_args[arg] = kwargs[arg] return fit_args
[docs] @classmethod def from_definition(cls, definition: dict): """ Handler for ``gordo.serializer.from_definition`` Parameters ---------- definition: dict Returns ------- """ kind = definition.pop("kind") kwargs = copy(definition) return cls(kind, **kwargs)
[docs] def into_definition(self) -> dict: """ Handler for ``gordo.serializer.into_definition`` Returns ------- dict """ definition = copy(self.kwargs) definition["kind"] = self.kind return definition
@property def sk_params(self): """ Parameters used for scikit learn kwargs""" fit_args = self.extract_supported_fit_args(self.kwargs) if fit_args: kwargs = deepcopy(self.kwargs) kwargs.update(serializer.load_params_from_definition(fit_args)) return kwargs else: return self.kwargs def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() if hasattr(self, "model") and self.model is not None: buf = io.BytesIO() with h5py.File(buf, compression="lzf", mode="w") as h5: save_model(self.model, h5, overwrite=True, save_format="h5") state["model"] = buf if hasattr(self, "history"): from tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks import History history = History() history.history = self.history.history history.params = self.history.params history.epoch = self.history.epoch state["history"] = history return state def __setstate__(self, state): if "model" in state: with h5py.File(state["model"], compression="lzf", mode="r") as h5: state["model"] = load_model(h5, compile=False) self.__dict__ = state return self
[docs] @staticmethod def get_n_features_out( y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray] ) -> Union[int, tuple]: shape_len = len(y.shape) if shape_len == 1: raise ValueError( "Unsupported number of the output dataset dimensions %d" % shape_len ) elif shape_len == 2: return y.shape[1] else: return y.shape[1:]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_n_features( X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray] ) -> Union[int, tuple]: shape_len = len(X.shape) if shape_len == 1: raise ValueError( "Unsupported number of the output dataset dimensions %d" % shape_len ) elif shape_len == 2: return X.shape[1] else: # TODO fix for the legacy LSTM if not isinstance(X, xr.DataArray): return X.shape[2] return X.shape[1:]
[docs] def fit( self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], **kwargs, ): """ Fit the model to X given y. Parameters ---------- X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset] numpy array or pandas dataframe y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset] numpy array or pandas dataframe sample_weight: np.ndarray array like - weight to assign to samples kwargs Any additional kwargs to supply to keras fit method. Returns ------- self 'KerasAutoEncoder' """ # Reshape y if needed, and set n features of target if isinstance(y, np.ndarray) and y.ndim == 1: y = y.reshape(-1, 1) logger.debug(f"Fitting to data of length: {len(X)}") self.kwargs.update( { "n_features": self.get_n_features(X), "n_features_out": self.get_n_features_out(y), } ) if isinstance(X, (pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray)): X = X.values if isinstance(y, (pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray)): y = y.values kwargs.setdefault("verbose", 0) history = super().fit(X, y, sample_weight=None, **kwargs) if isinstance(history, History): self.history = history return self
[docs] def predict(self, X: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray Input data kwargs: dict kwargs which are passed to Kera's ``predict`` method Returns ------- results: np.ndarray """ return self.model.predict(X, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_params(self, **params): """ Gets the parameters for this estimator Parameters ---------- params ignored (exists for API compatibility). Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] Parameters used in this estimator """ params = super().get_params(**params) params.pop("build_fn", None) params.update({"kind": self.kind}) params.update(self.kwargs) return params
def __call__(self): module_name, class_name = self.parse_module_path(self.kind) if module_name is None: factories = register_model_builder.factories[self.__class__.__name__] build_fn = factories[self.kind] else: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) if not hasattr(module, class_name): raise ValueError( "kind: %s, unable to find class %s in module '%s'" % (self.kind, class_name, module_name) ) build_fn = getattr(module, class_name) return build_fn(**self.sk_params)
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Get metadata for the KerasBaseEstimator. Includes a dictionary with key "history". The key's value is a a dictionary with a key "params" pointing another dictionary with various parameters. The metrics are defined in the params dictionary under "metrics". For each of the metrics there is a key who's value is a list of values for this metric per epoch. Returns ------- Dict Metadata dictionary, including a history object if present """ if hasattr(self, "model") and hasattr(self, "history"): history = self.history.history history["params"] = self.history.params return {"history": history} else: return {}
[docs]class KerasAutoEncoder(KerasBaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Subclass of the KerasBaseEstimator to allow fitting to just X without requiring y. """
[docs] def score( self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame], y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame], sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: """ Returns the explained variance score between auto encoder's input vs output Parameters ---------- X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] Input data to the model y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] Target sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] sample weights Returns ------- score: float Returns the explained variance score """ if not hasattr(self, "model"): raise NotFittedError( f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has not been fitted yet." ) out = self.model.predict(X) return explained_variance_score(y, out)
[docs]class KerasRawModelRegressor(KerasAutoEncoder): """ Create a scikit-learn like model with an underlying tensorflow.keras model from a raw config. Examples -------- >>> import yaml >>> import numpy as np >>> config_str = ''' ... # Arguments to the .compile() method ... compile: ... loss: mse ... optimizer: adam ... ... # The architecture of the model itself. ... spec: ... tensorflow.keras.models.Sequential: ... layers: ... - tensorflow.keras.layers.Dense: ... units: 4 ... - tensorflow.keras.layers.Dense: ... units: 1 ... ''' >>> config = yaml.safe_load(config_str) >>> model = KerasRawModelRegressor(kind=config) >>> >>> X, y = np.random.random((10, 4)), np.random.random((10, 1)) >>>, y, verbose=0) KerasRawModelRegressor(kind: {'compile': {'loss': 'mse', 'optimizer': 'adam'}, 'spec': {'tensorflow.keras.models.Sequential': {'layers': [{'tensorflow.keras.layers.Dense': {'units': 4}}, {'tensorflow.keras.layers.Dense': {'units': 1}}]}}}) >>> out = model.predict(X) """ _expected_keys = ("spec", "compile")
[docs] def load_kind(self, kind): return kind
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(kind: {pformat(self.kind)})" def __call__(self): """Build Keras model from specification""" if not all(k in self.kind for k in self._expected_keys): raise ValueError( f"Expected spec to have keys: {self._expected_keys}, but found {self.kind.keys()}" ) logger.debug(f"Building model from spec: {self.kind}") model = serializer.from_definition(self.kind["spec"]) # Load any compile kwargs as well, such as compile.optimizer which may map to class obj kwargs = serializer.from_definition(self.kind["compile"]) model.compile(**kwargs) return model
[docs]class KerasLSTMBaseEstimator(KerasBaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract Base Class to allow to train a many-one LSTM autoencoder and an LSTM 1 step forecast """ def __init__( self, kind: Union[Callable, str], lookback_window: int = 1, batch_size: int = 32, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- kind: Union[Callable, str] The structure of the model to build. As designated by any registered builder functions, registered with `gordo.machine.model.register.register_model_builder`. Alternatively, one may pass a builder function directly to this argument. Such a function should accept `n_features` as it's first argument, and pass any additional parameters to `**kwargs`. lookback_window: int Number of timestamps (lags) used to train the model. batch_size: int Number of training examples used in one epoch. epochs: int Number of epochs to train the model. An epoch is an iteration over the entire data provided. verbose: int Verbosity mode. Possible values are 0, 1, or 2 where 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per epoch. kwargs: dict Any arguments which are passed to the factory building function and/or any additional args to be passed to the intermediate fit method. """ self.lookback_window = lookback_window self.batch_size = batch_size kwargs["lookback_window"] = lookback_window kwargs["kind"] = kind kwargs["batch_size"] = batch_size # fit_generator_params is a set of strings with the keyword arguments of # Keras fit_generator method (excluding "shuffle" as this will be hardcoded). # This will be used in the fit method of the respective subclasses to match # the kwargs supplied when instantiating the subclass. The matched kwargs # will override the default kwargs of Keras fit_generator method when # training the model. Note: The decorator # "@interfaces.legacy_generator_methods_support" to Keras' fit_generator # method does not forward any arguments to the inspect module self.fit_generator_params = { "steps_per_epoch", "epochs", "verbose", "callbacks", "validation_data", "validation_steps", "validation_freq", "class_weight", "max_queue_size", "workers", "use_multiprocessing", "initial_epoch", } super().__init__(**kwargs) @abc.abstractproperty def lookahead(self) -> int: """Steps ahead in y the model should target""" ...
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Add number of forecast steps to metadata Returns ------- metadata: dict Metadata dictionary, including forecast steps. """ metadata = super().get_metadata() metadata.update({"forecast_steps": self.lookahead}) return metadata
def _validate_and_fix_size_of_X(self, X): if X.ndim == 1: f"Reshaping X from an array to an matrix of shape {(len(X), 1)}" ) X = X.reshape(len(X), 1) if self.lookback_window >= X.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "For KerasLSTMForecast lookback_window must be < size of X" ) return X
[docs] def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> "KerasLSTMForecast": """ This fits a one step forecast LSTM architecture. Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray 2D numpy array of dimension n_samples x n_features. Input data to train. y: np.ndarray 2D numpy array representing the target kwargs: dict Any additional args to be passed to Keras `fit_generator` method. Returns ------- class: KerasLSTMForecast """ X = X.values if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame) else X y = y.values if isinstance(y, pd.DataFrame) else y X = self._validate_and_fix_size_of_X(X) # We call on a single sample (notice the batch_size=1) to initiate the # model using the scikit-learn wrapper. tsg = create_keras_timeseriesgenerator( X=X[ : self.lookahead + self.lookback_window ], # We only need a bit of the data y=y[: self.lookahead + self.lookback_window], batch_size=1, lookback_window=self.lookback_window, lookahead=self.lookahead, ) primer_x, primer_y = tsg[0] super().fit(X=primer_x, y=primer_y, epochs=1, verbose=0) tsg = create_keras_timeseriesgenerator( X=X, y=y, batch_size=self.batch_size, lookback_window=self.lookback_window, lookahead=self.lookahead, ) gen_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in {**self.kwargs, **kwargs}.items() if k in self.fit_generator_params } # shuffle is set to False since we are dealing with time series data and # so training data will not be shuffled before each epoch., shuffle=False, **gen_kwargs) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray Data to predict/transform. 2D numpy array of dimension `n_samples x n_features` where `n_samples` must be > lookback_window. Returns ------- results: np.ndarray 2D numpy array of dimension `(n_samples - lookback_window) x 2*n_features`. The first half of the array `(results[:, :n_features])` corresponds to X offset by `lookback_window+1` (i.e., `X[lookback_window:,:]`) whereas the second half corresponds to the predicted values of `X[lookback_window:,:]`. Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from gordo.machine.model.factories.lstm_autoencoder import lstm_model >>> from gordo.machine.model.models import KerasLSTMForecast >>> #Define train/test data >>> X_train = np.array([[1, 1], [2, 3], [0.5, 0.6], [0.3, 1], [0.6, 0.7]]) >>> X_test = np.array([[2, 3], [1, 1], [0.1, 1], [0.5, 2]]) >>> #Initiate model, fit and transform >>> lstm_ae = KerasLSTMForecast(kind="lstm_model", ... lookback_window=2, ... verbose=0) >>> model_fit =, y=X_train.copy()) >>> model_transform = lstm_ae.predict(X_test) >>> model_transform.shape (2, 2) """ X = X.values if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame) else X X = self._validate_and_fix_size_of_X(X) tsg = create_keras_timeseriesgenerator( X=X, y=X, batch_size=10000, lookback_window=self.lookback_window, lookahead=self.lookahead, ) return self.model.predict(tsg)
[docs] def score( self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame], y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame], sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: """ Returns the explained variance score between 1 step forecasted input and true input at next time step (note: for LSTM X is offset by `lookback_window`). Parameters ---------- X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] Input data to the model. y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] Target sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] Sample weights Returns ------- score: float Returns the explained variance score. """ if not hasattr(self, "model"): raise NotFittedError( f"This {self.__class__.__name__} has not been fitted yet." ) out = self.predict(X) # Limit X samples to match the offset causes by LSTM lookback window # ie, if look back window is 5, 'out' will be 5 rows less than X by now return explained_variance_score(y[-len(out) :], out)
[docs]class KerasLSTMForecast(KerasLSTMBaseEstimator): @property def lookahead(self) -> int: return 1
[docs]class KerasLSTMAutoEncoder(KerasLSTMBaseEstimator): @property def lookahead(self) -> int: return 0
[docs]def create_keras_timeseriesgenerator( X: np.ndarray, y: Optional[np.ndarray], batch_size: int, lookback_window: int, lookahead: int, ) -> tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence.TimeseriesGenerator: """ Provides a `keras.preprocessing.sequence.TimeseriesGenerator` for use with LSTM's, but with the added ability to specify the lookahead of the target in y. If lookahead==0 then the generated samples in X will have as their last element the same as the corresponding Y. If lookahead is 1 then the values in Y is shifted so it is one step in the future compared to the last value in the samples in X, and similar for larger values. Parameters ---------- X: np.ndarray 2d array of values, each row being one sample. y: Optional[np.ndarray] array representing the target. batch_size: int How big should the generated batches be? lookback_window: int How far back should each sample see. 1 means that it contains a single measurement lookahead: int How much is Y shifted relative to X Returns ------- TimeseriesGenerator 3d matrix with a list of batchX-batchY pairs, where batchX is a batch of X-values, and correspondingly for batchY. A batch consist of `batch_size` nr of pairs of samples (or y-values), and each sample is a list of length `lookback_window`. Examples ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X, y = np.random.rand(100,2), np.random.rand(100, 2) >>> gen = create_keras_timeseriesgenerator(X, y, ... batch_size=10, ... lookback_window=20, ... lookahead=0) >>> len(gen) # 9 = (100-20+1)/10 9 >>> len(gen[0]) # batchX and batchY 2 >>> len(gen[0][0]) # batch_size=10 10 >>> len(gen[0][0][0]) # a single sample, lookback_window = 20, 20 >>> len(gen[0][0][0][0]) # n_features = 2 2 """ new_length = len(X) + 1 - lookahead kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = dict(length=lookback_window, batch_size=batch_size) if lookahead == 1: kwargs.update(dict(data=X, targets=y)) elif lookahead >= 0: pad_kw = dict(maxlen=new_length, dtype=X.dtype) if lookahead == 0: kwargs["data"] = pad_sequences([X], padding="post", **pad_kw)[0] kwargs["targets"] = pad_sequences([y], padding="pre", **pad_kw)[0] elif lookahead > 1: kwargs["data"] = pad_sequences( [X], padding="post", truncating="post", **pad_kw )[0] kwargs["targets"] = pad_sequences( [y], padding="pre", truncating="pre", **pad_kw )[0] else: raise ValueError(f"Value of `lookahead` can not be negative, is {lookahead}") return TimeseriesGenerator(**kwargs)