Source code for gordo.machine.model.anomaly.diff

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from typing import Optional, Union
from datetime import timedelta

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit, KFold, cross_validate as c_val
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

from gordo.machine.model.base import GordoBase
from gordo.machine.model import utils as model_utils
from gordo.machine.model.models import KerasAutoEncoder
from gordo.machine.model.anomaly.base import AnomalyDetectorBase

[docs]class DiffBasedAnomalyDetector(AnomalyDetectorBase): def __init__( self, base_estimator: BaseEstimator = KerasAutoEncoder(kind="feedforward_hourglass"), scaler: TransformerMixin = MinMaxScaler(), require_thresholds: bool = True, shuffle: bool = False, window: Optional[int] = None, smoothing_method: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Estimator which wraps a ``base_estimator`` and provides a diff error based approach to anomaly detection. It trains a ``scaler`` to the target **after** training, purely for error calculations. The underlying ``base_estimator`` is trained with the original, unscaled, ``y``. Threshold calculation is based on a rolling statistic of the validation errors on the last fold of cross-validation. Parameters ---------- base_estimator: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator The model to which normal ``.fit``, ``.predict`` methods will be used. defaults to py:class:`gordo.machine.model.models.KerasAutoEncoder` with ``kind='feedforward_hourglass`` scaler: sklearn.base.TransformerMixin Defaults to ``sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler`` Used for transforming model output and the original ``y`` to calculate the difference/error in model output vs expected. require_thresholds: bool Requires calculating ``thresholds_`` via a call to :func:`~DiffBasedAnomalyDetector.cross_validate`. If this is set (default True), but :func:`~DiffBasedAnomalyDetector.cross_validate` was not called before calling :func:`~DiffBasedAnomalyDetector.anomaly` an ``AttributeError`` will be raised. shuffle: bool Flag to shuffle or not data in ``.fit`` so that the model, if relevant, will be trained on a sample of data accross the time range and not just the last elements according to model arg ``validation_split``. window: int Window size for smoothed thresholds smoothing_method: str Method to be used together with ``window`` to smooth metrics. Must be one of: 'smm': simple moving median, 'sma': simple moving average or 'ewma': exponential weighted moving average. """ self.base_estimator = base_estimator self.scaler = scaler self.require_thresholds = require_thresholds self.shuffle = shuffle self.window = window self.smoothing_method = smoothing_method if self.window is not None and self.smoothing_method is None: self.smoothing_method = "smm" def __getattr__(self, item): """ Treat this model as transparent into base_estimator unless referring to something owned by this object """ if item in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, item) else: return getattr(self.base_estimator, item)
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Generates model metadata. Returns ------- dict """ metadata = dict() if hasattr(self, "feature_thresholds_"): metadata["feature-thresholds"] = self.feature_thresholds_.tolist() if hasattr(self, "aggregate_threshold_"): metadata["aggregate-threshold"] = self.aggregate_threshold_ if hasattr(self, "feature_thresholds_per_fold_"): metadata[ "feature-thresholds-per-fold" ] = self.feature_thresholds_per_fold_.to_dict() if hasattr(self, "aggregate_thresholds_per_fold_"): metadata[ "aggregate-thresholds-per-fold" ] = self.aggregate_thresholds_per_fold_ # Window threshold metadata if hasattr(self, "window"): metadata["window"] = self.window if hasattr(self, "smoothing_method"): metadata["smoothing-method"] = self.smoothing_method if ( hasattr(self, "smooth_feature_thresholds_") and self.smooth_aggregate_threshold_ is not None ): metadata[ "smooth-feature-thresholds" ] = self.smooth_feature_thresholds_.tolist() if ( hasattr(self, "smooth_aggregate_threshold_") and self.smooth_aggregate_threshold_ is not None ): metadata["smooth-aggregate-threshold"] = self.smooth_aggregate_threshold_ if hasattr(self, "smooth_feature_thresholds_per_fold_"): metadata[ "smooth-feature-thresholds-per-fold" ] = self.smooth_feature_thresholds_per_fold_.to_dict() if hasattr(self, "smooth_aggregate_thresholds_per_fold_"): metadata[ "smooth-aggregate-thresholds-per-fold" ] = self.smooth_aggregate_thresholds_per_fold_ if isinstance(self.base_estimator, GordoBase): metadata.update(self.base_estimator.get_metadata()) else: metadata.update( { "scaler": str(self.scaler), "base_estimator": str(self.base_estimator), "shuffle": self.shuffle, } ) return metadata
[docs] def score( self, X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame], y: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame], sample_weight: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: return self.base_estimator.score(X, y)
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True): """ Get parameters for this estimator. Returns ------- dict """ params = { "base_estimator": self.base_estimator, "scaler": self.scaler, "shuffle": self.shuffle, } if self.window is not None: params["window"] = self.window params["smoothing_method"] = self.smoothing_method return params
[docs] def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray): if self.shuffle: X_shuff, y_shuff = shuffle(X, y, random_state=0), y_shuff) else:, y) # Scaler is used for calculating errors in .anomaly() return self
[docs] def cross_validate( self, *, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], cv=TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=3), **kwargs, ): """ Run TimeSeries cross validation on the model, and will update the model's threshold values based on the cross validation folds. Parameters ---------- X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray] Input data to the model y: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray] Target data kwargs: dict Any additional kwargs to be passed to :func:`sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate` Returns ------- dict """ # Depend on having the trained fold models kwargs.update(dict(return_estimator=True, cv=cv)) cv_output = c_val(self, X=X, y=y, **kwargs) self.feature_thresholds_per_fold_ = pd.DataFrame() self.aggregate_thresholds_per_fold_ = {} self.smooth_feature_thresholds_per_fold_ = pd.DataFrame() self.smooth_aggregate_thresholds_per_fold_ = {} smooth_aggregate_threshold_fold = None smooth_tag_thresholds_fold = None for i, ((_, test_idxs), split_model) in enumerate( zip(kwargs["cv"].split(X, y), cv_output["estimator"]) ): y_pred = split_model.predict( X.iloc[test_idxs] if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame) else X[test_idxs] ) # Adjust y_true for any possible model offset in its prediction test_idxs = test_idxs[-len(y_pred) :] y_true = y.iloc[test_idxs] if isinstance(y, pd.DataFrame) else y[test_idxs] # Model's timestep scaled mse over all features scaled_mse = self._scaled_mse_per_timestep(split_model, y_true, y_pred) # Absolute error mae = self._absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) # For the aggregate threshold for the fold model, # use the mse of scaled residuals per timestep aggregate_threshold_fold = scaled_mse.rolling(6).min().max() self.aggregate_thresholds_per_fold_[f"fold-{i}"] = aggregate_threshold_fold # Accumulate the rolling mins of diffs into common df tag_thresholds_fold = mae.rolling(6).min().max() = f"fold-{i}" self.feature_thresholds_per_fold_ = self.feature_thresholds_per_fold_.append( tag_thresholds_fold ) if self.window is not None: # Calculate smoothed thresholds only if len of data >= window smooth_aggregate_threshold_fold = ( scaled_mse.rolling(self.window).min().max() ) self.smooth_aggregate_thresholds_per_fold_[ f"fold-{i}" ] = smooth_aggregate_threshold_fold smooth_tag_thresholds_fold = mae.rolling(self.window).min().max() = f"fold-{i}" self.smooth_feature_thresholds_per_fold_ = self.smooth_feature_thresholds_per_fold_.append( smooth_tag_thresholds_fold ) # Final thresholds are the thresholds from the last cv split/fold self.feature_thresholds_ = tag_thresholds_fold # For the aggregate also use the thresholds from the last split/fold self.aggregate_threshold_ = aggregate_threshold_fold # For the smoothed thresholds also use the last fold self.smooth_aggregate_threshold_ = smooth_aggregate_threshold_fold self.smooth_feature_thresholds_ = smooth_tag_thresholds_fold return cv_output
@staticmethod def _scaled_mse_per_timestep( model: BaseEstimator, y_true: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y_pred: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], ) -> pd.Series: """ Calculate the scaled MSE per timestep/sample Parameters ---------- model: BaseEstimator Instance of a fitted :class:`~DiffBasedAnomalyDetector` y_true: Union[numpy.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] y_pred: Union[numpy.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] Returns ------- panadas.Series The MSE calculated from the scaled y and y predicted. """ try: scaled_y_true = model.scaler.transform(y_true) except (NotFittedError, ValueError): scaled_y_true = model.scaler.fit_transform(y_true) scaled_y_pred = model.scaler.transform(y_pred) mse_per_time_step = ((scaled_y_pred - scaled_y_true) ** 2).mean(axis=1) return pd.Series(mse_per_time_step) @staticmethod def _absolute_error( y_true: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y_pred: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray] ) -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.DataFrame(np.abs(y_true - y_pred)) def _smoothing(self, metric: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]): if self.smoothing_method == "smm": return metric.rolling(self.window).median() elif self.smoothing_method == "sma": return metric.rolling(self.window).mean() elif self.smoothing_method == "ewma": return metric.ewm(span=self.window).mean()
[docs] def anomaly( self, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], y: Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], frequency: Optional[timedelta] = None, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.Dataset]: """ Create an anomaly dataframe from the base provided dataframe. Parameters ---------- X: pd.DataFrame Dataframe representing the data to go into the model. y: pd.DataFrame Dataframe representing the target output of the model. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A superset of the original base dataframe with added anomaly specific features """ # Get the model output, falling back to transform if 'predict' doesn't exist model_output = ( self.predict(X) if hasattr(self, "predict") else self.transform(X) ) # Create the basic dataframe with 'model-output' & 'model-input' data = model_utils.make_base_dataframe( tags=X.columns, model_input=getattr(X, "values", X), model_output=model_output, target_tag_list=y.columns, index=getattr(X, "index", None), frequency=frequency, ) model_out_scaled = pd.DataFrame( self.scaler.transform(data["model-output"]), columns=data["model-output"].columns, index=data.index, ) # Calculate the absolute scaled tag anomaly # Ensure to offset the y to match model out, which could be less if it is a LSTM scaled_y = self.scaler.transform(y) tag_anomaly_scaled = np.abs(model_out_scaled - scaled_y[-len(data) :, :]) tag_anomaly_scaled.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( (("tag-anomaly-scaled",), tag_anomaly_scaled.columns) ) data = data.join(tag_anomaly_scaled) # Calculate scaled total anomaly data["total-anomaly-scaled"] = np.square(data["tag-anomaly-scaled"]).mean( axis=1 ) # Calculate the absolute unscaled tag anomalies unscaled_abs_diff = pd.DataFrame( data=np.abs( data["model-output"].to_numpy() - y.to_numpy()[-len(data) :, :] ), index=data.index, columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( (("tag-anomaly-unscaled",), y.columns.tolist()) ), ) data = data.join(unscaled_abs_diff) # Calculate the scaled total anomaly data["total-anomaly-unscaled"] = np.square(data["tag-anomaly-unscaled"]).mean( axis=1 ) if self.window is not None and self.smoothing_method is not None: # Calculate scaled tag-level smoothed anomaly scores smooth_tag_anomaly_scaled = self._smoothing(tag_anomaly_scaled) smooth_tag_anomaly_scaled.columns = smooth_tag_anomaly_scaled.columns.set_levels( ["smooth-tag-anomaly-scaled"], level=0 ) data = data.join(smooth_tag_anomaly_scaled) # Calculate scaled smoothed total anomaly score data["smooth-total-anomaly-scaled"] = self._smoothing( data["total-anomaly-scaled"] ) # Calculate unscaled tag-level smoothed anomaly scores smooth_tag_anomaly_unscaled = self._smoothing(unscaled_abs_diff) smooth_tag_anomaly_unscaled.columns = smooth_tag_anomaly_unscaled.columns.set_levels( ["smooth-tag-anomaly-unscaled"], level=0 ) data = data.join(smooth_tag_anomaly_unscaled) # Calculate unscaled smoothed total anomaly score data["smooth-total-anomaly-unscaled"] = self._smoothing( data["total-anomaly-unscaled"] ) # If we have `thresholds_` values, then we can calculate anomaly confidence confidence, index = None, None if hasattr(self, "feature_thresholds_"): confidence = unscaled_abs_diff.values / self.feature_thresholds_.values index = unscaled_abs_diff.index if confidence is not None and index is not None: # Dataframe of % abs_diff is of the thresholds # This is now based on the smoothed tag anomaly anomaly_confidence_scores = pd.DataFrame( confidence, index=index, columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( (("anomaly-confidence",), data["model-output"].columns) ), ) data = data.join(anomaly_confidence_scores) total_anomaly_confidence = None if hasattr(self, "aggregate_threshold_"): total_anomaly_confidence = ( data["total-anomaly-scaled"] / self.aggregate_threshold_ ) if total_anomaly_confidence is not None: data["total-anomaly-confidence"] = total_anomaly_confidence # Explicitly raise error if we were required to do threshold based calculations # should would have required a call to .cross_validate before .anomaly if self.require_thresholds and not any( hasattr(self, attr) for attr in ("feature_thresholds_", "aggregate_threshold_") ): raise AttributeError( f"`require_thresholds={self.require_thresholds}` however " f"`.cross_validate` needs to be called in order to calculate these" f"thresholds before calling `.anomaly`" ) return data
[docs]class DiffBasedKFCVAnomalyDetector(DiffBasedAnomalyDetector): def __init__( self, base_estimator: BaseEstimator = KerasAutoEncoder(kind="feedforward_hourglass"), scaler: TransformerMixin = MinMaxScaler(), require_thresholds: bool = True, shuffle: bool = True, window: int = 144, smoothing_method: str = "smm", threshold_percentile: float = 0.99, ): """ Estimator which wraps a ``base_estimator`` and provides a diff error based approach to anomaly detection. It trains a ``scaler`` to the target **after** training, purely for error calculations. The underlying ``base_estimator`` is trained with the original, unscaled, ``y``. Threshold calculation is based on a percentile of the smoothed validation errors as calculated from cross-validation predictions. Parameters ---------- base_estimator: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator The model to which normal ``.fit``, ``.predict`` methods will be used. defaults to py:class:`gordo.machine.model.models.KerasAutoEncoder` with ``kind='feedforward_hourglass`` scaler: sklearn.base.TransformerMixin Defaults to ``sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScaler`` Used for transforming model output and the original ``y`` to calculate the difference/error in model output vs expected. require_thresholds: bool Requires calculating ``thresholds_`` via a call to :func:`~DiffBasedAnomalyDetector.cross_validate`. If this is set (default True), but :func:`~DiffBasedAnomalyDetector.cross_validate` was not called before calling :func:`~DiffBasedAnomalyDetector.anomaly` an ``AttributeError`` will be raised. shuffle: bool Flag to shuffle or not data in ``.fit`` so that the model, if relevant, will be trained on a sample of data accross the time range and not just the last elements according to model arg ``validation_split``. window: int Window size for smooth metrics and threshold calculation. smoothing_method: str Method to be used together with ``window`` to smooth metrics. Must be one of: 'smm': simple moving median, 'sma': simple moving average or 'ewma': exponential weighted moving average. threshold_percentile: float Percentile of the validation data to be used to calculate the threshold. """ self.base_estimator = base_estimator self.scaler = scaler self.require_thresholds = require_thresholds self.window = window self.shuffle = shuffle self.smoothing_method = smoothing_method self.threshold_percentile = threshold_percentile
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True): """ Get parameters for this estimator. Returns ------- dict """ params = { "base_estimator": self.base_estimator, "scaler": self.scaler, "window": self.window, "smoothing_method": self.smoothing_method, "shuffle": self.shuffle, "threshold_percentile": self.threshold_percentile, } return params
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Generates model metadata. Returns ------- dict """ metadata = dict() if hasattr(self, "feature_thresholds_"): metadata["feature-thresholds"] = self.feature_thresholds_.tolist() if hasattr(self, "aggregate_threshold_"): metadata["aggregate-threshold"] = self.aggregate_threshold_ if isinstance(self.base_estimator, GordoBase): metadata.update(self.base_estimator.get_metadata()) else: metadata.update( { "scaler": str(self.scaler), "base_estimator": str(self.base_estimator), "shuffle": self.shuffle, "window": self.window, "smoothing-method": self.smoothing_method, "threshold-percentile": self.threshold_percentile, } ) return metadata
[docs] def cross_validate( self, *, X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], cv=KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=0), **kwargs, ): """ Run Kfold cross validation on the model, and will update the model's threshold values based on a percentile of the validation metrics. Parameters ---------- X: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray] Input data to the model y: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray] Target data kwargs: dict Any additional kwargs to be passed to :func:`sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate` Returns ------- dict """ # Depend on having the trained fold models kwargs.update(dict(return_estimator=True, cv=cv)) cv_output = c_val(self, X=X, y=y, **kwargs) # Create empty dataframes to hold fold data y_pred = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros_like(y), index=getattr(y, "index", None), columns=getattr(y, "columns", None), ) y = pd.DataFrame(y) y_val_mse = pd.Series(index=getattr(y, "index", None)) # Calculate per-fold validation metrics for i, ((_, test_idxs), split_model) in enumerate( zip(kwargs["cv"].split(X, y), cv_output["estimator"]) ): y_pred.iloc[test_idxs] = split_model.predict( X.iloc[test_idxs].to_numpy() if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame) else X[test_idxs] ) y_val_mse.iloc[test_idxs] = self._scaled_mse_per_timestep( split_model, y.iloc[test_idxs], y_pred.iloc[test_idxs] ).to_numpy() # Calculate aggregate threshold self.aggregate_threshold_ = self._calculate_threshold(y_val_mse) # Calculate tag thresholds self.feature_thresholds_ = self._calculate_feature_thresholds(y, y_pred) return cv_output
def _calculate_feature_thresholds( self, y_true: pd.DataFrame, y_pred: pd.DataFrame ) -> np.ndarray: absolute_error = self._absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) return self._calculate_threshold(absolute_error) def _calculate_threshold( self, validation_metric: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series] ) -> Union[float, pd.Series]: val_metric = self._smoothing(validation_metric) return val_metric.quantile(self.threshold_percentile)